TV documentary series
My role: editor & graphic design
Produced by Wasabi Film for TV2 Syd & TV2 Play
(DK) Cykeldrengene Emil og Nicklas - vinderne af "Alene i vildmarken"- har sat sig for at gøre det umulige. De vil cykle tværs over indlandsisen på Grønland som de første i verden. Eventyret vises sig mere udfordrende end de havde regnet med. 
(EN) Cycling duo Emil and Nicklas- the winners of danish “Alone”-  have set out to do the impossible. They want to cycle across the icecap of Greenland, being the first in the world to do so. The adventure proves to be more challenging than they had anticipated.
PHOTOGRAPHER   Nicklas Flenø Mikaelsen, Emil Fammé Hansen
POST DIRESTOR   Kristina Pfeil Nielsen, Magda Wyszynska, Julie Erika Bang Christiensen, Camilla Villefrance Selch  
EDITOR   Magda Wyszynska
Photo & trailer: TVSyd